Discover the most delicious recipes of nature!

Artichokes with potatoes and carrots
1 packet of Aiginares Aenos (1000 gr)
5 fresh onions, cut into slices
3 potatoes, cut into cubes
3 carrots, cut into rings
2 eggs
2-3 seasoned lemons
1 tbsp. flour for all uses
½ bunch of fresh dill
salt, pepper
olive oil
Extra tip: For greater flavor, leave the artichokes in water for 20 minutes before cooking.
Cooking Instructions
Boil the onions in olive oil until they are tender. Add the potatoes and carrots and cook for 2 minutes on high heat. Sprinkle with a little flour and mix.
Add artichokes and mix for 1-2 minutes. Add water until the mixture is covered and salted. We lower the fire in half and leave the food simmer for 40-50. Once it's ready, we add the dill. For egg-lemon, stir the egg whites, then add the yolks and mix by adding lemon juice. With a large ladle, we take a little snack from our food ansd into the egg yolk. After it ll ties up, we pour the egg-lemon, we let our food get boiled once and we enjoy it
Bon apetite!